Items where Division is "D3 Keuangan dan Perbankan" and Year is 2017
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Number of items: 2.
HERISPON, HERISPON (2017) Financial Inclusion, and the Role of the Non-Bank Financial Industry in the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 8 (1): 2. pp. 648-663. ISSN 1410-7988
Herispon, Herispon (2017) Utang Konsumtif Rumah Tangga Dalam Perspektif Konvensional Dan Syariah. Jurnal: Al-Maqdis : Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Islam, 2 (2): 3. pp. 141-152. ISSN 2528-5645